WebCamp 2014: Supporter packs - the awesome in small bags!

Get Practical with Web Components

This presentation shows web developers how to build next-generation web apps using various Web Components (native and Polymer framework).

Web Components (ie. HTML Templates, Shadow DOM, Custom Elements and HTML Imports) are the highlight of current web standards development, with Google and Mozilla pioneering the implementation of the specification draft. While numerous presentations all over the world have introduced Web Components to web developers, not many have demonstrated the practical aspects. This presentation will use existing tools to show web developers how they can make next-generation web apps using custom HTML elements from a wide spectrum of vendors – from giants such as Google to open-source enthusiasts on GitHub.


Marcin Warpechowski

Marcin Warpechowski

Marcin Warpechowski is a developer at Starcounter. He builds web applications with emerging Open Web Platform technologies, including Web Components, and is the creator of an open source data grid editor, Handsontable. He lives in Gdynia, Poland.

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